Why you need a pause for a social detox
an oxymoron that can save your life

One of most known quotation of Aristotle is:
“Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human”
Before him, Socrates, stated that every human action is pursuing happiness.
And then Lucretius came with his:
“Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto”, drawing the the concept of recognition of humanity in every human being.
As pulling a fil rouge, Maritain and his personalism.
Meaning, basically, human being are made for relations.
Summing up.
This network of relations has lead to happiness, making discovery humanity in every human beings on earth. To live in harmony on the basis of a philosophical assumption, based on human beings sociability.
Zygmut Bauman defines our society as liquid. Feelings and emotions, too.
And, of course, our relations.
The way we card them.
The way we feed them.
There is always a medium. A tool, better said.
You name it social networks. Affecting also our daily gestures (hand always typing, finger up an down or scrolling; recessed shoulders, gaze down to the height of a screen).
You know the liquid meets the void.
This medium is really intoxicating the very essence of relations, as for their nature, do not need an intermediary. They are born to be direct.
You have to feel another person in front of you. Not to interpret emoticons.
So, what I propose is to detox from your social-network habit to find, again, what is the real meaning of having a relation with another human being.
Your brain will thank you.
The quality of your sleep, also.
Not to mention all the crazy little things you will discover once again as if
they wer made up in that very moment.
You will be magically starting to belong to the real family of your ancestors, without being boring.
Because detoxing for 10 or 20 or 25 minute per day, or a day, means you will have time to:
- do nothing,
- read a book,
- make a call
- write a letter (using a pen)
- go out of for a walk and breath.
- play with your kids.
It is not a case if positive psychology, for example, rose up almost a few years ago, when some red flags in this direction were going to blow.
I am not talking to ban this medium.
I am just telling not to forget your essence as human being.
A smile, is better than a smiley. Isn’t it?