Why you have to read Princess bride by William Goldman (even if you are not a writer)

I stumbled in this book. Physically. One day at my favourite bookshop. I wanted to read something different. Here was the answer: Princess bride. I have not been disappointed.
William Goldman is known for being a scriptwriter: one for all? Marathon Man.
Princess Bride is a gourmand book.
Do you want to know why?
Here you are.
- this is a story of love, an eternal captivating way of rephrasing the magic of love;
- this is a gem of craft writing book. “I write impulsively. (paragraphing Hemingway: write drunk — )..this sound goods, this not…”.You know also how William Goldman became William Goldman: reading (sounds familiar for us, writer?);
- this is a story in a story, a book in a book, starting with a research for a birthday present. Planes are overlapping. No confusion, while reading. The style is crystal and clear. Vivid;
- it seems you are reading a movie. Language is bright. You can see what you reed. So you can read it even if it is a long time the last one you held a book in your hands;
- this is a story of adventure, the kind of adventure push you directly to your childhood;
- this is an emblem of the perfect match between dialogue and description an characters building up.
- when necessary, William intervenes in the narration, and you will discover why, reporting his editor advice.
This a through-the-ink journey you’d not ever miss. You deserve to have in your library.
(Italian publishing house: marcos y marcos)