What’s your one thing?
The true key leading you to discover yourself boosting awesome outcomes in your life.

When I finished reading The One Thing I texted an e-mail to Geoff Woods, Theonething Vice President, telling him:
“ Yesterday, I just ended up reading The One Thing. I am ready to start. I Think I know what my One Thing is: writing. Well, this morning I was simply and completely scared…”
This is true.
Reading The One Thing, including the smell of the pages, has been like an ephifany to me. And when you meet the wonder you can be afraid.
When you discover what is leading forward in your life you are committed to that. You have not excuses to claim, or fate to blame on. You are naked.
You have just to believe the path scares you the most is your path.
The book starts listing the main lies in which you have been believing for decades: “everything matters equally”; “multitasking”; “a disciplinated life”; “willpower is always on Will-Call”; “a balanced life”; “big is bad”.
Book words are simply and glaring: you feel you want to know how to do and you hold on reading until the last page, discovering:
- how to find out your one thing;
- awesome results rely on your one thing;
- how to go ahead;
- how to create a domino effect;
- how to be purposeful and committed to be your best;
- how to handle your time blocking;
- your one thing in: spiritual life, physical health, personal life, key relationship.
just answering this one and thrilling question:
“What’s the one thing I can do today for (whaever you want) such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”.
What’s your one thing?
Share your answer down in the comments :)!