What if I succeed?What if I succeed?What if I succeed?
Everyone is good enough at fearing of failing. What about fearing of succeeding?

Are you a serial procrastinator?
Are you angry with yourself without reason?
(Oh, yes you know the reason, of course. You do not want to admit it).
Are you wondering what is wrong with you?
Are you waking up not able to focus your day, feeling you are missing something important you are not able to give a name?
Are you avoiding something pervading you?
Are you acting as turning around something and finding out cleaver at escaping it through a reassuring daily routine? (I mean doing things other people expect you to do according to your social role, or doing things other people set for you to be accomplished).
If the answer is yes, please give yourselves a hug.
Give yourselves a hug gently and be not scared to face the most demeaning, the sneakiest, the most bodiless fear ever:
the monster called “fear of success”.
It is like a tiny and persistent voice inside you, pretending to act as your super-ego and to lead you on the right path. Wrong. Because that voice is a lamp nurturing you with panic, because you are approaching to a very important and surprising discovering:
you fear to come true.
Really and fully.
You are scared to fail. Always.
Social outcome of failure is shame.
Shame means being naked in a room full with dressed up people. You are vulnerable. You are covering up yourself with public ridicule.
People need other’s people failure to turn it into a self-identity pattern and more to bear their miserable lives, too.
But what If you succeed?
First studies in nikephobia has been conducted by Matina Horner. Her test cases? Women, of course. Then, other contributors, focus the attention on a very “reactive” realm: sports, on the ratio that athletes are the best representatives to go in depth with this topic as they are trained to win. To be successful. For the records, the Olympic spirit is not worthy. More than participating they have to win.
What is the connection?
The reason why we are scared of succeeding is based on discovering our true potential.
So that we have no more excuses to get it unlocked.
We have to be committed to it.
Discovering our potential means being achieved.
Better said it means making a part of ourselves real, true, being much more aware of what we really are.
It means ourselves to come true. Period.
I mean, being seen as we are.
So now, how handle this explosive discovery?
Because now, we are powerful. We know the name of our enemy.
We know the war started because we are not used to succeed.
We are free to be.
No excuses.
We do not need to be hurry because beautiful things need time.
The toughest thing is starting.
And we start recognising and admitting the root of what takes us away from wonder.
To part two, then.
To know some tiny exercises against this personal Loch Ness. Not a mystery any more.