The unripe pomegranate tree

Tiziana Arnone
1 min readAug 9, 2019


free verse poem

Photo by Hal Ozart on Unsplash

In the garden

there is a pomegranate tree



proud of chances,

not that plenty

to be reaped when

a new day rises.

Did you ever imagine

a so thin branch

could have borne

the burden of

those green and knobby fruits,

as a lump

difficult to swallow?

Did you ever imagine

a so fragile and innocent


could have borne

that withdrawal?

And yet think

about the weight of the gut

of a mother

carrying life,


to bring life

likewise that green pomegranate tree,

bright of life,

making its way

among naive and toxic mushrooms.

A far-fetched path

of which no one

had apprised it.



Tiziana Arnone

“I write what I couldn’t tell anyone”. writer. poet, observer. Relationship. Parenting. Personal Growth. Enchanted with life. Thin Skin/