The truth of being a (freelance) female writer
The one and only secret risk no one can tell you and few little hacks to heal and recovery.
Rejection? Oh, no.
Deep, dark writing block? Oh, no.
Killer lack of imagination? Oh, no.
Stuck like cement? No, No.
I got through all of these features…but nobody prepared me to discover what was going to happen to my body along the furious grace of writing craft.
It turned out, as an epiphanic truth, indeed, the secret risk is: cellulite and water retention.
When you are seated at you desk, typing like hell, focusing on your deadlines, no on can stop you , because you are driving till the end… When you have been staying there along your personal time blocking, whatever it might happen, your legs are slowly and inexorably changing their shape, together with your back.
Yes it is true: water retention belongs to female writer and freelance female writer, as an outcome of not wasting your writing time, meaning you are so focus on what you are doing, you forget your body and to take care of it.
Wrong? Right. But we are humans.
Even Elle The Body McPherson has got her tiny problems…hmm..let me think…ah, got it…split ends!
However, we have not to be scared: there is always a clear and crystal solution like the sun shining above our never enough tanned body!
So come on! Let’s follow these little few hacks to reconquer the cognition of our body shape and of ourselves.
One: starting a ritual. When we take our ten minutes pause in our writing affair, it is time to apply gently our favourite anti-cellulite cream. Advice: consider a topical lipid mobilizer one.
Two: a bottle of water must be always by our side. If we need to chew, instead of eating nails or being captured by other temptations (cigarettes, frantic control of social notifies, scrolling whatsapp contacts status), let’s have a looooong sip of water. It will help the micro-circulation function
Three: morning routine: let’s start our day with focused yoga exercises or — for the brave — a strategic series of workout such as squat and no-pity-bending-movement to defeat the enemy. The secret is persistence.
Four: let’s use, as long as we can, the stairs to climb whatever. Are you living at the 25th floor? No problem, you can divide your ascent. Are you living into a with-garden-house? Better, you can have your ten minute running around your house because you are a sharpened writer who cares about body health. try to transform a sitation into healthy movements.
Five: out for our daily stuff? Let’s consider to park the car on the….moon…so we can walk! Always and constantly. Walking is a godsend for the whole body and for your targeted enemy.
Six: let’s start having draining integrators pills such as pennywort, taraxacum, horsetail together with herbal teas. They will give an instant-psycho comfort.
Seven: let’s consider ourselves as a precious thing. (if you want to jump the first six hacks).