the quiet prince
(male and female cartoons cliché)

Yesterday night I was watching Sleeping Beauty with my daughter.
It was her first time.
So through her eyes it has become the first time for me, too.
This give me the chance to watch the movie from a new angle. Since the beginning, what stroke my attention was the prince, better said the way he was behaving: what he was doing, wath deed he was doing. Aurora was waiting for him. For his epiphany. Period.
While Aurora was waiting, he was acting. In silence, quiet, because his deeds gave him words to say how much he loved her.
This is the crucial point of the whole movie and all of the movies of this kind.
Along our childhood, and furthermore with a different consciuosness, we were bombed with a kind of man who is not able to speak about love, he just acts.
Men do concrete things to show their affection.
Women? They sing, they wait men to talk, they cry, they talk. Their actions are “wordy”.
It is a real gender dualism, as it is known since ancient time, men are supposed to act to nourish family, so they got hunting, they did some concrete deeds. They were expected to do that according to the shape of their body, the shape of their brain and blah, blah, blah.
Women? They were supposed to wait; wait that plant they sowed to grow up; wait that water to boil, wait to pay attention to any tiny details in the life of a village.
So nowadays as the picture is almost liquid, apparently, there are not gender division. Apparently.
Because women are still waiting not for their prince (we also learned the last two lines of Pretty Woman, didn’t we?) or maybe yes, but they are waiting for a man who is able to talk them about love. Deeds are not enought, still. They have to be wordy to be listened and understood.