The prodigal daughter
free verse love fable

You haven’t been back
I came to get you.
I got over a witch,
bigger and taller than me,
wielding against her
the stick of a forgotten
I swallowed my tears
of desertion and despair
and I saw you
on that cot
in your blood-stained
night dress:
your love had hit you
to take you down
because he thought
you were without
me. By now.
I alone believed
one day
I would have picked you up.
And now here I am.
I made you a promise
-the one of mothers
talking with their inhabited belly
by an unknown life.
I promised I would
have pick you up.
However, Wherever.
I would have erased the blood
from your face.
I would have felt
your squirrel bones.
I would have listened to your whisper
again and again,
because a mother goes
and gets her daughter back.
Then I saw you leave,
my heart tight in a vice.
I left you follow your brutal love.
I waited for you beyond the lake
I scanned the horizon as an insane refugee
And I saw you come back.
Again and now, you are here.