The cure against smartphones perfection
how to survive to super coating

Some days ago, a new I-phone commercial, super-shiny and dazzling, was winking from my TV screen.
Some days ago, a smartphone commercial was hurling its thunderbolts from the same TV screen.
And then again, another one…and I was almost blinded.
Concluding: in 30 minutes I was catapulted into the splendid world of image perfection, smartphone new frontier, with no exception. Zoom, live pictures, wide-angle viewing, everything to provide the immediate perfection of image.
I wonder what is the hidden meaning in reaching Perfection-Ville, because what is crystal is you not only save perfectly your memories, but above all you are able to perfectly perform on your social media, where, basically, it is possible to give body to Andy Warhol’s predictive quote: “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes”.
The hidden message, then, is that we are proceeding more and more, nicely aware, towards confusion. I mean it from a philosophical point of view: we are confusing substance with appearance, making an exchange of it. Ergo, we are what we appear (in a frame of a perfect picture), in line with the transforming moment aiming at tapping needs and nourishing us with new devices, to get quick, because in this impetuous flow, we do not stay back, but we can have the assurance of our existence.
Hurray for this perfect image, then, this obsessive coating, belonging to this liquid society we all live!
The perfect image is depriving us from our essence: creativity, that relationship producing heat, the human touch, as my daughter says me every night before going to sleep.
The only cure, the only magic potion against this poisoning of the soul, needs these ingredients (do not worry, you do not have to go in the woods by night to get them):
- do not comply with;
- do not make yourself slave of a tool;
- do prefer a hug on a smiley, a chatty and fatty phone-call on ten minute voice mail.
- do cross the city from end to end because someone is needing you (by the way, this is very Carry!!!)