On the reason why sensitive people stumble on selfish ones and vice-versa
Humankind never-ending wobbling between Hobbes and Kant.

This is like a perpetual swinging with no hope to find out a durable balance, like a weird junction and graze.
Sensitive people, they don’t tell. They prefer holding back instead of hurting. They are intuitive and they understand when to say a word. Whatever it takes, they are there “feeling” people.
They are wounded, without wanting to wound people back or disappointing if they are disappointed, they choose silence.
They try to take care to details, because they know details can make the difference inside people’s relationships.
They take care of other people, they protect and they give themselves without protection. And no one can see it. This is the reason why sensitive people do not amuse themselves.
They know how to say sorry, compliment people and are not afraid to hug and kiss at hello. Not only at hello, however.
Some sensitive persons, at the climax of humankind disappointing behavior, are tempted to not to trust anyboby — this is the basic principle of law of attraction toward selfish people, who by definition do not trust nobody) — anymore. But just for a glimpse of an eye.
Selfish people stumble on sensitive ones for curiosity: they want to understand if really such a kind of person can exist. If it s real, in the flesh.
They are attracted by because, unwitting, they want to have another chance: to keep on believing in humankind.
At the beginning, they are wary of such a plenty of goodness mirroring about any leak to find out.
But sensitive people captivated the selfish ones. And these latter try to set out an artwork of conversion to their faith. Failing in doing that.
This is a complementary chemistry.
Sensitive people keep on believing in humankind despite humankind. They are becoming more aware and they do are not tired ever to help in founding the world as a better place to live in.
Selfish people still keep not believing in humankind due to humankind, and yet they continue to stumble on sensitive people maybe because they want to redeem themselves. To give themselves another chance.
In short, this attraction is willing to find a break-even-point between two kind of life approach:
Hobbes’s “Man is wolf to man.”