On the power of water to strengthen daughter-father relationship.

We come to the world leaving water, this primary environment for life to thrive. This ancestral symbol of the unconsciousness, enlarged and concreted by the sea.
Why do we have fear of the sea?
Freud will answer you are not ready to dive the depths of your soul. Or you are not ready to consider the intensity of love. Or life itself.
But the fact is how this symbol could affect a crucial relationship, the one between a father and a daughter, becoming the perfect linkage to set a sane dialogue between them.
And you have just to consider this:
“mother” is the place of gratuity of love.
“father” is the place of meritocracy of love.
This latter is important for building self-confidence and self esteem.
A loved-by-his-father-daughter will be a self confident woman, always knowing she is at safe.
This is, in the end, what remains, today, of fathers’ role.
Well coming back to water and to sea:
- pay attention that entering entering the sea is a matter of trust.
- swimming together in the sea is the best way to build a relation: you have to trust each other. You have to steer into the rhythm of another person, considering limit, ability, spirit of adventure and will of pushing ahead.
- entering the sea and swimming to reach the horizon give you the chance to go beyond your fear.
This summer, then, my husband and my daughter started this very close approach discovering each other in the WATER. Swimming together in the sea.
The occasional cause?
A pair of flippers. Two different sizes, two different colours and the game is made.
They started their ritual. Every day. When the wind just rippled the sea.
And more, they went beyond it. Meaning they gave another prospective in their ritual adventure in the sea when it was upset with big waves.
My husband taught my daughter how to take these waves. Tricks and tips.
In doing this, he was telling her:
“I trust you. You can do that”. These are magic words for daughters. These are magic words for fathers. Their are meant to create a connection made of love and commitment.
I was staying on the shore. Reading a book and watching them.
I was stepping back enjoying the wonder of a relation to become, thanks to water and sea.