Intentions for a forthcoming autumn
1 min readSep 10, 2019
a beneficial list as a poem or an evoking poem as a list

- making so much love to our love;
- feeling to have still some time:
- not letting yourself being blinded by estrangement:
- exploding from the depths of our being into our passion:
- indulging with spoonfuls of Nutella:
- creaking in energy under the mud of awful habits:
- being dreamy with life:
- letting wrath withering into speechless howls:
- learning a lot from trees:
- every once in a while feeling aware of getting lost to sudden winding up:
- making up just to taste the powder of a new color on your eyes
- pulling over the car by a bend in the road to look closer the milky light of a lamppost and the tender-red-spotted one of a sky witnessing another day of life…
…ours, anyway.