I say a little word for you: resiliency
overcoming burnout and one practical exercise to know how resilient you are

You get burnout because your way of asking help is hiding behind difficulties.
Daily difficulties at your daily existential stuff (logistics life: how to start your day; goals and priorities; doable and not doable things); difficulties at work (toxic co-workers; weird suppliers; a boos who is pretending to be a manager and always patronize you); at school (you are hyperactive; you are shy, you are skilled to answer well to adults, you are otherwise clever).
Just to sum up and join the dots with a fil rouge: your way of responding to the world outside you is based upon a different rhythm. You just stay behind.
How is it possible to handle this?
How flourish and thrive despite a different rhythm?
There is only one possible answer. A word. A magic one: resiliency.
The word that makes happen a miracle inside everyone: adults and children. The miracle of change facing difficulties. The will to discover how infinite everyone’s potential is. And, as an outcome, the factual ability to overcome difficulties.
First thing to know: what is the meaning of resiliency?
The name comes from the Latin verb relisio, meaning to bounce, to go back.
Out from its origin, resiliency mean the ability of human beings go ahead positively in life, even if life pushed them back. Even if they underwent a crash or passed trough a trauma.
Resiliency is a wayfarer orienting everyone life journey to everyone’s personal psychological, social, cultural and physical resources.
And there is only a goal to reach: well-being.
To be more effective: being resilient is learning how to change point of view, by accepting our different rhythm. The lever of this mechanism is what we called difficulty.
Resiliency is one of the leading lever to transform the most important environments of human being: school and work and family.
The values upon resiliency is based on are, indeed:
- to figure out difficulties and reflect on them;
- to recognize and focus on every own proper “resources” and every others ones;
- to help each other.
To start wearing the dress of a resilient person this one little exercise might be helpful. You can do that even if you are a child.
What you need is:
- your favourite colour cardboard;
- drawing a line on you cardboard;
- focusing on that present problem/difficulty: to give it a name. You can do a list and write it down the “D(ifficulty)/P(roblem)” column on your cardboard;
- creating another column for your resources to handle your “D/P”.
- composing a sentence where your problem is defeated by your resource.
This is an exercise of view. It is like verbalization but it adds what follows:
- avoiding to stay on the surface;
- giving you the chance to “face” what undermine yourself esteem;
- solving the situation getting to the bottom of your resources.
It is simple and not complicated.
And more: it is giving you the chance to be assertive towards you not to judge you, because the moment you discover how to get away from a difficulty, is the moment you realize how much you can be motivated to hug your self. And go ahead.
(originally pubblished on thriveglobal.com)