How to get away with shyness — chapter two

I have done the deed. I feel like a new Macbeth. I did not kill any Duncan, anyone except the one belonging to that part of me struggling to stick me to the soil of my limits. And I know I can break those chains. And so it was. After texting Cristina my how-to-get-away-with-shyness-chapter one, she answered me, telling me she was staying all the day long at her Romeo’s restaurant. I drove like crazy to reach my destination. I waited for her (she texted warning me she was late). And then I found out a real person, who smiled at me, talked to me in a very friendly mood.
Everything was worthy: the feeling of power when you allow yourself to go beyond your fears and your limits. You just dare, doing a little thing. My heart was light and I can feel my blood running into my veins.
What did I learn? I am able to overcome what stick me. I am albe to change my mind towards my inner sefl. I have to dazzle and to sparkle above all when you are no more able to answer the hardest question ever what is that you like to do?
I do not know what is going to happen from know on. At least it is not so important. The important thing is that I can believe in what I do. I can give myself the chance to be what I would like to be. I can allow myself to discover who I am.
I came back home, I composed the interview without procrastinating (sometimes you are so surprised you think you can’t use the time you have to do that thing). I downloaded the pictures I took, also one with Cristina. and I sent her the article (
I just rode the wave of my inspiration and intuition. I did it for myself, to give myself the proof I can thrive.
And I learned you have to dazzle and sparkle, because you can do that in a very surprising way.
Creativity, for some people, is like a karstic river, flowing subsoil. It seems that, for a part of your journey, your imaginative power is missing and then it just appears on the surface of your soul to englight you.