How to get away with shyness — chapter one

Cristina Bowerman is one of my favourite chef: she is a woman (working into a basically male realm), she has got pink hair, she has got a special grace in treating food.
If you wonder why I’m writing that, it’s because, a part of being a writer, I’m a wedding planner and a rainbow wedding planner, too.
So, in order to give my professional career a boost and make my website ( as a steadier crown, I contacted her (chef Cristina is a friendly type) via messenger. She answered me, inviting me to have a glass of red wine to her restaurant. When, finally, I overcame my shyness, I came over her Giuliett’s gourmet pizzeria. It was a very Roman crazy-hot-afternoon in summer. I did not find her, but her staff told me to come again.
I had to say, I appreciated my gesture of challenging that hot. I texed Chef Cristina and she answered me she was on her holiday.
Along all the summer, simply I did what I was used to do.
Then fall came, coming back Rome. Starting againg my life in town, trying to resist the urgency of vertigo (e.g. jump into the darkness of a blue mood) and I had abandoned that idea: to inteview chef Cristina for my website.
And then, yesterday night, me and my family, went to Giulietta’s. I had my notepad with me, thinking to write down some questions for Cristina. It was just a sensation, but I was too blind to follow it. It was a bad day. Raining all time and even if I adore winter that rain was too much to bear.
We had our delicious pizza. We paid the bill and reached the car (and yes It was still raining). Then, at the very moment we were going away, Chef Cristina appeared passing through the same door we used before. A two points pink hat on her head. I followed her with my eyes. I could say: stop the car. I could say or do anything. But I did not do or say anything to catch that moment. I saw her entering in her Romeo’s restaurant.
It hurted me. My shyness overcame me, but moreover the fear of being inopportune and, in the end, to get a “no” in answer and a kind of fatality.
Furthermore: I did not follow my intuition, because I felt that night she was here, but I did not ask her staff, whatever the answer would have been.
I picked to feel in a no-way-out mood, blaming on circumstances and forgetting that I could try to change them in favour of me.
But I did not do anything.
And now? What is the lesson I learned? To consider the second shot I had. beacause I had got another intuition to mend my previous withdrawal.
So now I’m writing. And I will post this article on Chef Cristina messenger wall.
I will wait and I will let you know.
Sometimes you have got another chance to consider your project, your goal, is worthy and simply believe in what you do, in yourself.