few little things I can tell you when your ego is frustrated
be whatever you are right now. no more hiding. you are worthy. always.

When you write you need to be recognized:
- claps
- likes
- share
- comments
In the end you know your voice is heard, somehow.
Obviously you are not writing for yourself.
Especially in my case, as my writing is aiming at healing.
Writing means having an audience, more or less diehard fans.
Nobody is escaping the temptation of this formula: the more your audience is big, the more you are cleaver at writing.
These days passed by getting to that point.
I think I am good at writing, meaning that I still persist in improving myself, being a better listener, being a book lover, being curious.
Today I see the light, passing thtough:
- eating half a kilo of belgian chocolate Haagen-Dazs icecream;
- asking my daughter’s 7 years friend to brush my hair;
- buying The One thing on Amazon;
- stopping frantic notification control;
- deleting a post shared on facebook: a drama review
- being rude with other car drivers;
- quitting writing;
- wondering what to change, what to write, how to write, etc.
- writing;
- wishing the day ending up as soon as possible;
- searching how to became a top writer on medium.com;
- landing on Jon Brosio article
- hoping.
The fact is that I want it all and want It now, but as I am not Freddy (Mercury): I can define myself just impatient.
Secondly, it not a matter of consistency. I know I can do that, but at a certain point I need an external sign telling me the path is right.
Furthermore, from one side, I need a routine (nulla dies sine linea), from the other side, I need to escape it. And maybe I escape it when I do not understand what does not work with my writing.
Tirdly, I think I am not so social as I have to. I mean I am a kind of intimate person who writes. This is an explosive mixture, don’t you think so?
Now I feel quite. I think this a declaration of sincerity from the heart and if there could be one one thing I have learnt I can say I’m not shy to know myself and to admit what my limits are.
So here I am, this is me.
Ready to write.