9 Tiny killer hacks to overcome fear of success
simple tricks to change your mindset without feeling yourself forced doing that

Success is a building based on four pillars:
meaning you know exactly where you will be the next five years, pushed by the clear and fresh sting of your priority and passion;
the hardest word, meaning working hard, day by day, being persistent, because you believe in your plans or dreams
meaning you do “the right thing, even when no one is watching”.
you are be the master of your sea. You are ready to be who you are.
Being scared of success means stumbling on these pillars, instead of making them as a lighthouse to our fogs.
Are you scared, then?
It’s the right mood to start owing these simple hacks to diverge your mind, when you are going to be successful.
Let yourself being frozen from fear of succeeding. You see? Do you feel stuck? Right. But…you have not to worry because you are feeling yourself and you are grabbing your personal way out.
We are bombing by magic recipes buzzing how to do this and and how to that: remember there is always another way to overcome what we fear. We have just to be brave to find your own out.
So, at first, when you fear to be successful (e.g. get an intuition? Have a new idea?) do not do anything. Face your sensations….if you want you can draw them, following your gut. The purpose is to calm you down. You are not supposed to run away from a wild animals as our ancestors. You are supposed to stay focused.
Try to remember last time you succeeded. How did you feel? What did you do? If you want you can write something down
Prepare a list of some doomsday scenarios if you will succeed. Ask yourself which one you are ready to bear.
If you are not so motivated to reach what make you come true, find out another person to transfer on your motivation to overcome fear. This is the best ever way of outsourcing!
Just do. Just sit. Just. Breath. Hold the moment.
Answer periodically these questions: “what makes me happy?”; “what am I good at?”; “what are my passions?”.
Celebrate yourself: tiny little gesture. What about a spoon of Nutella? What about composing a post on your social telling how you succeed being your your personal hero?? (you can share a picture, instead)
Practise gratitude. how? think about your day, at the end of your day. Just say thank you to what you did not expect you received.
be inspired: read of of these books
- waking lions
- the artist’s way
- the second coming
Whatever might come you will go through it.
(You can find the previous episode pasting this link below: https://medium.com/@tizianaarnone/what-if-i-succeed-what-if-i-succeed-what-if-i-succeed-2ac8f9b36252?source=friends_link&sk=a1df829a8a0c9e18ae59106b9dba9707)