4 reasons for being erratic and one little secret to overcome all of them.

Consistency is one of the key for success, reaching what you need.
Consistency another name is persistence. It is the repetitive little targeted action sustaining your passion, your passion becoming your work, your life.
Consistency is the cure against the greatest fear of all: staying motivated while walking down this path.
Consistency is an habit you can easily build up.
But what if one day you discover you “must” break your consistency in performing your passion, work, life, peace of mind and, at least, happiness?
What might be he reasons for this pattern breaking down? Interrupting or avoiding it, applying a simple quote by Ovidius: video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor (I see and approve for the better, but I follow the worse — Ovid, Metamorphoses, VII, 20–21)?
Here you are four reasons for doing that.
One, fear of being successful. Sounds wierd? Not at all. It sounds good. Imagine: you spent a ton of time doing your researches, following the best ever advice to chance your Linkedin profile, to find your niche, to spam your beloved editor ever with your best ever guest post ideas….and WOW…it works! But….becoming more confident by gaining results you wanted the most is a double-edged blade, because you become committed to your dream. You are not a dreamer anymore.
“If you have a dream you have a responsibility to yourself to make it come true. Because If you don’t, you are just a dreamer” Marco Pierre White.
Being successful means being responsible somehow. You have to show to know how persist into “win”. It’s much more easier to fail. More easier being used to that.
Two, lack of self-esteem. Consistency means channeling your creativity into a regulated pattern.
In a quote: nulla die, sine linea or not a day without a line, if you prefer.
The principle is doing this, avoiding that, getting ahead where you want: you just stop wondering if it is worthy. And yet, at a certain point, you cannot stop considering that you are not Einstein, even if your imagination is great. You have got your vision, but your need to feed the baby….a plenty of reasons gathering in your mind, pushing you to give up. To break the pattern of consistency. In the bottom of your heart you think you are not good enough at writing. So, come on, let’s give up without being afraid. In a couple of days, you will come back on your route.
Three, self-sabotage.
It starts when you feel your super-ego voice, pointing out at you with a finger. Self-sabotage is the concrete representation that you are your own worst enemy. It is like being into a state of grace while a voice is ticking a countdown to fail.
Four, a cure against burnout.
Let’s be resilient, Let’s be consider that sometimes you need a break. This is not a suggested break along your routine, this is another kind of break. It’s like drawing a line for a while and watching from the other side of the flow. Just this. And you recharge your battery, rebelling, that means being energetic again.
Whatever your “category” you are now relying in, whatever your reason might be, here you are one little secret to overcome once and for all.
This being erratic, this negation to consistency, means one thing: you are on the right side of the force and of the moon, because you are following what is for you. What you chose, depending on what you are.
So if you feel erratic, if you are erratic somehow for one or two days, do not be afraid, you are on the right way. This is not a question of what you want, but of what you need.