16 reasons you can just fall in love with Harvey
#suits;#darvey;#gabrielmacht; #sarahrafferty
when this “i-am-the-firm” counselor becomes an emblem for love matters.

I have done the deed…Oh-My-God….. I fall in love!!!
I fall in love with Harvey Specter. The amazing reborn into SUIT(S) batman.
My personal adolescent transfer leads me to some conclusions I want to share on the reasons you can fall in love with Harvey.
One: He is successful and mighty but not billionaire by birth. He is a symbol of a gifted and talented man that can make it happen with the help of a woman, Jessica Pearson, who believes in him and support him.
Two: He is wild-strong-tender at heart. He is scared of feelings but he faces them, eventually.
Three: He is straight arrow and hates cheating. His word is worthy. He knows how to handle power.
Four: He is handsome and charming.
Five: He knows how to wear what he puts on. The way he moves in his clothes is the difference. He can dress what he wear. Period.
Six: He is ironic.
Seven: He boxes it is a phenomenon.
Eight: Along love scenes, you know he can color out of the lines.
Nine: He oozes confidence until arrogance, but you can always rely on him
Ten: He has learned how important is admitting weaknesses. He knows how question himself as a way towards a solution to hard problems.
Eleven: He is conflicting as much as he needs.
Twelve: He is scared to screw everything with the woman he is in love, so he takes a while to understand that love means risking.
Thirteen: He composes motivational sentences aiming at piercing your soul.
Fourteen: He drinks coffee with a touch of vanilla.
Fifteen: He has got beautiful hands.
Sixteen: He has got a gentle bearing.
Anything I miss? You can add it below!